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Home Automation
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The technology is available for everyone to enjoy the true comforts of home. The Automated Home will alloy you to interact with your house. You command and the house acts. You inquire and the house responds.

Have your home page you with interesting events.  Let your home send you a notification when the rain starts coming down but nobody is at home and the windows are open.

Let your home tell you that the oven has been on for 4 hours.

Key Benefits

  • 24x365 automated operation.
  • No tape dependency for surveillance.
  • Internet-enabled.
  • Audio / Video integration.
  • Major appliances.
  • Climate Control.


Your Home Automation System keeps monitoring your home non-stop.
Thermostat Automation
Automatically adjust the temperature depending on where the people sit.
Light Automation
Automatically turn lights on and off depending on factors like time of day and cloudiness level.

Reference Accounts

Drexel Hill, PA
A three story house is separated into zoned heating and A/C. Sensors recognize where people spend most of their time and automatically set the thermostats. Unoccupied floors are set back to increase efficiency.
Ridley Park, PA
Bachelor automates lighting and creates moods by pushing PLAY on his DVD Player. Lights automatically dim and window A/C turns to "Quiet" mode.
Chadds Ford, PA
Single Professional wakes up every day to find her coffee hot and ready. Her bathroom has warmed an additional 5 degrees. Her calendar of the day is ready to be picked up and the top 5 headlines concerning her profession are printed.

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Last modified: 01/18/07