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Secure Networking
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What good is something when you don’t have it in the place you need it when you need it?

You can trust in CyberAns to link every single piece of IT infrastructure you might need.  Whether wired or wireless, we connect:

  • PAN (Personal Area Network)
  • MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
  • WAN (Wide Area Network)
  • LAN (Local Area Network)

However, you don’t want to share your data with everybody, do you? SECURITY is not something only Banks and Government should care about and CyberAns is ready to provide you with encryption, tunneling and all the protection you might need to keep your network safe without compromising functionality.

Secure networks

  • You can feel safe knowing that your tunnel is protected by industry standards backed by best practices.
  • Industry standards provide tried and tested technologies.  We do not get creative with implementations.
  • Best practices assure you that your network will perform with optimal efficiency and effectiveness.


Client-Server VPN
By setting up a VPN endpoint on your network, only authorized people will be able to use their computers to log into your server.  All traffic is encrypted and access is limited.
Network VPN
Using similar encryption, your branch offices can use VPNs to create one very large private network that can span cities, counties or states.  All computers will effectively be on the same network, accessed only by authorized personnel.
Encrypted file transfer
Some public network access points prohibit tunnels.  Even when you cannot create a VPN tunnel, you can still get the information you need by using the open internet to transfer encrypted files.

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Copyright © 2003-2007 CyberAns
Last modified: 01/18/07