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Data security is great, but what about physical security?   Sure, there are a lot of surveillance camera systems around but what happens if you run out of tape in the precise moment of a felony?  Even worse, where did you put that tape?

With a digitally based video surveillance recording system CyberAns can help you “keep an eye” on your business 24x365 without all the mess and poor quality associated with traditional analog systems.

The system consists of an array of cameras (2 or more) that constantly pour high-quality color or B&W images into a central computer where the streams are stored digitally.  No tapes or VCR’s to care about!

Besides, the system is fully non-linear, meaning that you don’t have to go through the whole tape or sequence to get to a specific scene nor do you have to worry about running out of tape or deleting something else.  These streams of images can also be sent in real-time across the Internet so you can view everything that is going on in real-time.

Key Benefits

  • 24x365 automated operation.
  • No tape dependency.
  • Non-linear recording and editing.
  • Internet-enabled.


Capability 1
Description of capability 1
Capability 2
Description of capability 2
Capability 3
Description of capability 3

Reference Accounts

Reference 1
Description of services provided
Reference 2
Description of services provided
Reference 3
Description of services provided

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Copyright © 2003-2007 CyberAns
Last modified: 01/18/07